
R 1,000.00

How to upload your picture

To add your favorite picture to our archive, it's super simple.
1. Head over to the "Upload My Picture Section" and use our user-friendly image uploader.
2. Choose your desired image, adjust the size and scale to your liking, and you'll see an indicator in the top right corner of the uploader showing your upload progress.
3. Once it reaches 100%, just click "Add to Archive" and that's it! Voila, you're done!

Photo Ratio: Portrait, Landscape or Square

 Photo Size: Max 35MB

All image file types accepted


Highlight key information to make people quickly impressed by your product


Highlight key information to make people quickly impressed by your product


Highlight key information to make people quickly impressed by your product

What is a Boarding Pass?

When you upload your picture to the Pic2Space project, you will receive a digital ticket called the Pic2Space Boarding Pass! It's a unique and personalized ticket that you can print out or share on social media, letting everyone know that your picture has been added to the archive. Your boarding pass will include your uploaded picture and a special number indicating your one-of-a-kind ID, making it truly unique to you. But that's not all - once the launch is successful, the Pic2Space team will also send you a Certificate acknowledging your participation in this one-of-a-kind space adventure. Get ready to join the community of space adventurers and be a part of history with Pic2Space!

Why we chose Nanofiche?

  • High density analog human-readable archival preservation medium
  • Extremely compact physical storage
  • Highly Durable - Readable for more than 10,000 years
  • Impervious to temp/humidity variations
  • Easy to Access 
learn more


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